About Us


Our company is a leading provider of medical billing software solutions tailored to meet the needs of small businesses in the healthcare industry. We understand that managing billing can be a time-consuming and complex process, which is why we have developed user-friendly and affordable software solutions that streamline the entire billing cycle. Our software solutions feature state-of-the-art data processing, quality control measures, workflow and reminders, patient management, and integration with EHR and EMR software to ensure accuracy and efficiency. Our goal is to help small businesses in the healthcare industry save time and money on administrative tasks and focus on providing quality care to their patients. Whether you are a chiropractor, physical therapist, physician, or other healthcare provider, we have a solution that will fit your unique needs and budget. Contact us today to learn more about our comprehensive medical billing software solutions and take the first step towards optimizing your billing processes.

Contact Us

Email : info@portiva.com
Phone : +800 991 6922
Address : 130 West Main St. #144-164